Rev. Fr. Boniface A. Neibo

Rev. Fr. Boniface Neibo A. is a Catholic Priest of the Archdiocese of Abuja, Nigeria. Fr. Boniface is the Deputy Director of, the Cardinal Onaiyekan Foundation for Peace (COFP). As Deputy Director of COFP, Neibo Boniface collaborates with the Executive Director in providing administrative support to the Foundation. He plays a crucial role along the entire staff’s team in supporting the overall mission of the Foundation, which is dedicated to promoting peace, and justice through dialogue and human development. His responsibilities while not limited to include assisting in the strategic planning and implementation of programs, managing day-to-day operations, fostering partnerships with stakeholders, and representing the Foundation in various forums and other duties assigned by the Executive Director. Fr. Neibo Boniface as a key member of the COFP’s leadership team contributes to shaping the Foundation’s vision, implementing strategic initiatives, and ensuring the efficient operation of various departments.

Fr. Neibo’s local and global recognition, is a testament to his commitment to excellence, to earning him fellowships from various national and international institutes. Notable among these are the West African Association of Strategic Educational Administrators (WAASEA), Delaware, U.S.A, the Institute of Global Peace and Conflict Management, the Institute for Public Diplomacy and Management, the Chartered Institute for Strategic Research, the Institute for Leadership and Governance, USA and a fellow of the Cardinal Onaiyekan Foundation for Peace. Neibo Boniface caps a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology from the Pontifical Urban University, Rome, a Diploma in Education from the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), a Diploma in Political Science and Administrative Studies, a Master in Political Science and Diplomacy with a bias in Governance and Policy Analysis from Veritas University, Abuja and a PhD student in the related field. He is an author of several articles published in both local and international journals that borders on Politics, National integration, and Religion for Peace and currently has to his credit a publication, “Principles of Organizational Behaviour.” Fr. Boniface currently Pastors St. Monica’s Catholic Church Nyanya, Abuja, FCT, Nigeria.