COFP COVID-19 Response
The emergence of COVID-19 pandemic posed a great challenge to the world, obstructing social and economic activities. It showed how fragile and dependent we are on one another. Unfortunately, COVID 19 did not only come with socio-economic difficulties but rising cases of rape, Gender Based Violence, hate speech, fake news/misconceptions and discrimination/stigmatization, communal clashes & killings, etc. For us, addressing these,called for a grand alliance of all and this is why the Foundation rolled out series of interventions in tackling the menace. Thus, with the nationwide COFP Alumni Network of Peace builders CANEP, the Foundation was able to carry-out the following COVID 19 interventions in the six geo-political zones of the country.
Online Social Media engagements & messaging on COVID 19 with focus on restoring hope and peace was carried out at different intervals by COFP Foundation and her Fellows across the country. 2,000 PPE materials like Face Masks, Hand Washing liquid soaps, Hand sanitizers, and Plastic containers were distributed to community members in the six geo-political zones of the country. Over 1,000 poor families benefited from our Food Palliative Support. Daily radio program on Fake news, Awareness on COVID-19, stigmatization, gender based violence and peace building was aired in different radio and television stations all over the country for four months, May – August 2020. Thousands of handbills, fliers and posters were produced and distributed to the public across the nation. We are glad to mention that our COVID 19 intervention through the financial support from the GHR Foundation and German Foreign Office reached approximately, 80 million Nigerians and still counting.
In conclusion, just like in peace building, COVID 19 have shown that what affects one, directly or indirectly affects others and that if we don’t join hands together in addressing such problems, it will eventually consume all of us. Thus, our interventions call for collective responsibility if we must survive the pandemic with its numerous challenges and this is exactly what countering extremism and peace building is all about.