Celebrating 5th Anniversary of COFP Fellowship Program

After the painstaking effort ploughed into Modules 1and 2 by the 2022/2023 set of the COFP Fellowship program as well as the execution of a community peace project initiated by each one of the Fellows, they all had the honour of getting to the final and concluding phase of the Fellowship- Module 3! This was a week-long program, spanning from Monday 7th to Saturday 14th May 2023, at the Ajuji Greenwich Hotel Abuja, Nigeria. To wind up the course curriculum on Interreligious Dialogue, the module 3 courses were completed and were all anchored by outstanding educators in related fields.

This year is special as the Foundation marks the 5th Anniversary of COFP Fellowship program, hence, with the 2022/2023 COFP Fellowship graduation ceremony held on Saturday, 13th May, 2023, the Foundation had the honour of graduating 60 Peace Fellows bringing the total number of trained COFP Fellows to over 230 from 15 African countries since inception in 2018.  The 2022/2023 COFP Fellowship graduation ceremony was the very day that our 60 graduands had anticipated for a whole year! Graduating Fellows were called one after another and presented with their certificates of graduation and peace awards.

One certificate each from the prestigious Veritas University and Nile University Abuja, on Interreligious Dialogue, Conflict Transformation and Mediation were awarded to all peace Fellows in collaboration with the COFP Foundation, to certify their completion of their One Year Fellowship Program. The graduation ceremony of COFP Fellowship Program marked the beginning of a new chapter, not only for the graduates but for the communities they would continue to touch, the lives they would transform, and the world they would shape. Inspired by their Fellowship experiences, motivated by the impacts of the community projects that they implemented and armed with the knowledge and skills they had acquired, these young leaders set forth, driven by a shared vision for a peaceful and harmonious future.