Sister Agatha O. Chikelue, DMMM
Bags International Award

The Executive Director, of the Cardinal Onaiyekan Foundation for Peace (COFP), Sr. Agatha Ogochukwu Chikelue has been honored with the Religions for Peace (RfP) Women of Excellence in Multi-Religious Actions Award, achieving second runner-up status. Building peace and community resilience is what she is called and trained to do as a Nigerian Catholic Nun of the Order of the Daughters of Mary Mother of Mercy (DMMM). With over two decades of grassroots peacebuilding experience in Africa, Sr. Agatha has proven that she is a true definition of a woman peacebuilder and an amazon of peace widely recognized as an advocate and scholar of peace.

This assertion is true and evident through various leadership positions, past and present which underscore her commitment to service and community impact in different capacities. Notably, as the Executive Director of the Cardinal Onaiyekan Foundation for Peace (COFP), Sr. Agatha Chikelue launched one of the first of its kind in West Africa, a One-year COFP Fellowship Program in 2018. This pioneering initiative which has today become the flagship of COFP’s activity focuses on interreligious dialogue, conflict transformation, and mediation, enhancing the capabilities of local actors across Africa in fostering social cohesion, integration, and sustainable peace. To date, the program has successfully trained over 300 participants from 16 countries in Africa in advancing inclusive peace and human development in the continent.

In addition to her executive duties, Sr. Agatha serves as Chair of Religions for Peace International Women’s Coordinating Committee (RfP-IWCC), providing strategic leadership for the Global Women of Faith Network. She also Co-Chairs the Religions for Peace Africa & Nigeria Women of Faith Network (RfP-AWFN & NWFN), where her efforts have empowered countless women, youth, and men to unite against violence and advocate for justice, peace and common good.

Sr. Agatha’s contributions extend globally as a former elected member of the African Union’s Ten-Man Steering Committee on Interfaith Dialogue (AU-IFDF), advising and supporting initiatives aimed at bridging communities across Africa. Her extensive network spans diverse religious backgrounds, inspiring all to combat violence and promote lasting peace.

Deeply committed to inclusive peacebuilding, her passion for peace motivated her to build a network of women from diverse religious backgrounds, united in their efforts to tackle extremism and build a culture of peace in Nigeria. Sr. Agatha emphasizes the interconnectedness of peace and development, rooted in principles of justice, forgiveness, and reconciliation. She champions women’s rights to active participation in peace processes and leadership, viewing these as essential human rights that require unwavering support.

The Cardinal Onaiyekan Foundation for Peace, RfP-IWCC, and the ACRL express gratitude to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Religions for Peace for honoring Sr. Agatha Chikelue’s tireless and selfless dedication and sacrifices with the prestigious global Women of Excellence in Multi-Religious Action Award. This recognition is indeed, a beautiful way to inspire her and other women globally to continue their impactful work.

In conclusion, Sr. Agatha Ogochukwu Chikelue continue to stand as a beacon of hope and resilience, bridging divides and fostering peace and development across borders.
