Free Medical Outreach for IDPs

The COFP Foundation has made it a point of duty to carry-out free medical outreach in various IDP camps in Nigeria. In partnership with the West Africa Community Missions, USA, the program took a different but wider scope this year. For the first time, a team of 27 Medical Doctors, Nurses and Volunteers from Los Angeles visited Nigeria for the purpose of providing free medical services to the poor who cannot afford quality healthcare. There was a mass turn-out of people from Wassa and Kabusa IDP Camps Abuja from 23th – 30th June, 2019 for medical treatment. Free medications, minor surgeries, deliveries,hygiene packs, reading glasses, e.t.c. were provided for the poor and destitute who could not afford or access primary health care.

As typical of the COFP Foundation, attention was given to everyone present regardless of religion, gender, age or tribe; Assisted by Nigerian Doctors and nurses who volunteered from the FCT, over 2,500 patients were treated. A lot of them couldn’t hold their joys, but poured out their hearts in gratitude, joy and appreciation to the Foundation and their partners.Many IDPs testified how privileged they were to be treated of diseases and ailments that they have suffered for a long period of time as a result of poverty.

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